Project Description

About Harmony’s Policies …

One of the advantages of being a small school and a close knit community is that we are not bound by strict rules and regulations. However, when 200 plus people are working together on a daily basis, it becomes necessary to provide some guidelines. Here are some general policies. If you have questions about any of these, or something not listed please contact your child’s teachers or the main office.


If your child cannot attend school for any reason, please call the student’s specific program and leave a message. If you know in advance that your child will be unable to attend school please make arrangement with his/her teachers.

If Early Childhood Program or Elementary students are to be picked up by anyone other than the parents or guardians, the school needs a written note giving permission.

Please use program phone numbers to leave messages for students or to report absence or tardiness. For emergencies or any other school business, call the main office.

Office/Program Phone #
Main Office 812-334-8349
Early Childhood Program (before 9 and after 3) 812-330-2706
1st & 2nd Grade 812-330-2704
3rd & 4th Grade 812-330-2704
5th & 6th Grade 812-334-8369
Middle School 812-334-8367
High School 812-334-8388
Development Office 812-334-8379
National School Reform Faculty 812-330-2702
Rhinos All-Ages Radio Club 812-333-3430
FAX 812-333-3435


Snow days?

When Monroe County Community School Corporation (MCCSC) calls off school due to snow or other inclement weather conditions, Harmony School is also closed. However, we start and end school on time even if MCCSC starts school late or ends early due to the weather. MCCSC will usually post school closings on their website.

Sick days?

Parents should not to send their children to school if they are sick. If you need to keep your child home due to fever or illness, be sure to call the child’s program to tell their teachers or to leave a message. If your child gets a fever or shows signs of being sick while at school, your child’s teacher will call you and ask you to come and get him/her.

Connect with your child’s teachers from day one!

Parents are welcome to call teachers at their homes during the evenings or on weekends if important matters come up that need attention. Their phone numbers can be found on the phone lists given out at the beginning of the year. Parents can also email their child’s teachers. Some teachers provide their cell phone numbers and invite texting for quick interactions.

At the beginning of each school year there is a general parent-teacher meeting to get to know your child’s teacher and the program. At this meeting, parents receive important information concerning their child’s program and discuss important issues regarding the school. Necessary forms are handed out and collected. All parents must supply detailed medical information regarding any information important to their child, e.g., what over-the-counter medications their child can take, any allergies they may have, and immunization records.

Meet Our Faculty & Staff!


Soon there will be more text here defining the W.H.A.T. newsletter, emails from teachers and the office, being added to the mailing list! 

Harmony School’s past newsletters from 2007-2015 will soon be available through this site as PDF files. Watch for them to move to the Archives page.

(NOTE: These links are going to archives on the old website! We will be moving them in the weeks to come.)

Read our LATEST NEWS and join our mailing list!

Transportation to and from School

Parents are responsible for transporting their children to and from school. There is no school bus system, although some parents may choose to assist each other with rides and carpooling. At the beginning of the year, we help to organize car pools for needed rides. The city bus is also available for kids to use. City Bus #4 picks kids up downtown at 8:40 a.m. and lets kids off at the school at 8:45 a.m. It also picks kids up at the school at 3:05 p.m. and lets kids off downtown at 3:10 p.m.

Faculty or staff are present at the building until 5:00 p.m. if your child needs to stay past the scheduled let-out time of 3:00 p.m.

Meals & Off-Campus Policy

Harmony School asks that students bring their lunches, snacks, and a drink every day. We have a shared kitchen and multiple microwaves available, but we do not have a cafeteria setting. If your child should forget their lunch, they will have food available to them in the kitchen. We have one Blue Sky soda dispenser in the building. Thursdays are Pizza Day! We order multiple pizzas from the local pizzeria Mother Bear’s and sell slices for $2 each!

Students who are 5th grade and older are allowed to leave the campus at lunchtime. Fifth graders must have written authorization from their parents on a day-by-day basis. Sixth graders may obtain blanket permission from their parents in writing for the entire year. Middle and High School students may leave campus at lunchtime without parental permission. We have a Subway restaurant nearby as well as the multiple options surrounding the IU campus.

Cubbies and Lockers

Each student is provided with either a cubby or a locker. We encourage students to regularly clean them out and to not leave valuables in them. Few students keep them locked.

The Harmony Parent Involvement Program (PIP)

Harmony School thanks all our families for their contribution to the school through the Parent Involvement Program. We depend on you, the parents, to be very involved in many aspects of the day-to-day running of the school. Your involvement helps the school keep tuition costs down.

We have Parent Coordinators for each program.  They coordinate the needs of the teachers and classrooms with the abilities and time of the parents.  Generally PIP jobs include classroom (substitute teaching, classroom help, exploration/creation), office/clerical help for different divisions, cleaning/maintenance/gardening, assisting with fundraisers and special events, and transportation (driving bus or your own vehicle, maintaining buses).

You will be asked to help in more than one area, but we try to respect your preferences.  Please indicate when you are available and what general area you would prefer.  If you have some special skill that you would like to share or you feel would help the school, please speak to your PIP coordinator or to office staff and we will try to create a job to fit you!

Guidelines for the Parent Involvement Program:

  • Two-parent families complete a minimum of 44 hrs of volunteer work per year. Single parents complete a minimum of 22 hrs of volunteer work per year.
  • For single-parent families, when both parents live in the area, each parent will complete 22 hours of PIP work.
  • For transportation assistance, we have the following guidelines:
    • Half day = 3 PIP hours
    • All day = 6 PIP hours
    • Class Trips = 8 hours per day
  • As part of your PIP hours, families are expected to help at our fundraising events, an essential aspect of Harmony School’s budget.  Please mark your calendars.  Specific jobs will be assigned a couple of weeks before each event.
  • Your PIP coordinator or the office may contact you with a suggested job based on your time available and preferences.  Please be prepared to help when special pleas appear in announcements or emails!  Remember if you can’t commit to a permanent job, we can always use your help SOMEWHERE!
  • Parents are also expected to do some hours helping with cleaning, maintenance or gardening. Work Days are a good way to contribute if you cannot sign up for a permanent job.
  • Please report your PIP hours on the kiosk outside the main office. We also strongly encourage you to keep track of your hours at home.

Community use of the building

We rent space in the building to various community groups for meetings, classes, gatherings, dances, music, and sports after 5 p.m. on school days and all day and evenings on the weekends. If you’re interested in using space in the building during non-school times, contact the office at 334-8349.

Call the Harmony School Office if you have any questions: 812-334-8349 

Apply Today!

Thank you for interest in Harmony School! If you would like to reach out to us with questions or comments, please fill out and submit the form below. We’ll respond to you soon.

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